Make an impression by showing interest with a few key questions.

Can you tell me about the teachers I might have freshman year?

Are some of the freshman courses taught by teaching assistants? Are there professional actors, dancers, and artists on the staff? Most performing and visual arts school faculties offer a combination of academics and professionals. If you want to be mentored by people who practice their art, you need to find out who your teachers will be.

Are there opportunities for work/study positions or internships in my field of study?

Most programs offer a variety of employment options for students, but it would be great if the experience could tie in directly with your area of the arts. This will help you discover your range of options.

What do students in the arts programs do for fun?

This is the perfect chance to highlight your interests beyond your chosen field of study and help the interviewer learn more about you as a person. Are there clubs or activities related to your interests? Let your interviewer know what you like to do in your spare time. Also, ask where the popular hangouts are for arts students. Stop by to chat with some students. You’ll likely get some valuable insight into the student experience that you won’t find out in a formal interview.

It’s obvious that you graduate some tremendously talented students each year and I was blown away by the alumni I read about on your website. I’m curious, however, if you could tell me about someone who graduated while you were here that you are especially excited about? Someone who is doing something exciting whether it’s theatre related or not?

 By ArtsBridge